Bottom sludge scraper
The bottom sludge scraper Z2000 is designed for scraping sludge from the settling in rectangular tanks. The scraper consists of a hydraulic cylinder or an electric motor, an articulated arm system and a number of concave shaped profiles, which are welded into a single unit, which acts as a floor or walking floor at the bottom.
The profiles, using a back and forth, push the sludge to one side of the tank in which the sludge are recovered by pump or siphon. The reciprocating movement of the sections increasing the sludge thickening.
The bottom scraper works as well for waste water sludge, drinking water sludge and industrial sludge.
- Maximum length per unit 80m
- Continues evacuation of the sludge
- Do not bother sedimentation
- High reliability and low maintenance
- Easily adaptable to existing concrete tanks
- Acts as thickener
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